(This is a journal entry I liked, so it's rough)

One thing I've noticed lately that having the metaphorical balls to be yourself, having self-confidence and a strong attitude toward life, seem to add up into you being a feminazi.
I don't buy into anti female body image shit. I don't buy into my period being disgusting. I don't buy into my genitalia being inferior or foul. And when I express these views, there are people who willingly, rapidly label me a feminazi.
A feminazi!
Do these people even understand what a feminazi IS?
According to them, a feminazi is someone who defends the one she loves, talks proudly about being a woman, and encourages other women not not to buy into body image shit.
It's just a guess, but I think they're scared.
I think their own insecurity is so strong, so marked, that when someone else - especially a lesbian with a big attitude - is very threatening to them when that someone else displays confidence.
They can't handle it.

I feel kinda sorry for them, really.

I mean, the last few days I've been running around thinking to myself: "I have NO TIME to waste being depressed! My moods are fashion cycles, depression is SO 1997!" I'm not totally out of the woods. I have insecurities, like everyone. I'm not 100% happy with my life at the moment, but I DO have a vision for the future and I'm working on making it the NOW. Sometimes it feels beyond my reach, but I plough on because I WANT that 'now'.
But I don't have the typical insecurities.
So it really strikes me how much happier I actually am than a lot of people, because my existence is not validated by receiving compliments about my looks. When I dress up, I'm dressing up for ~*MOI*~ first and foremost, and I love it. I look in the mirror, I know I look good, and I leave for the day in high spirits. I have a big bum and big hips, and I don't give a shit. I like my body. I like my hairy armpits. I like my little round belly. I like my frizzy hair. I look in the mirror and feel GOOD about myself, and it just hits me that in many ways, I must be so much fucking happier than ALL the people around me who are constantly on one diet or another, or selecting clothes based on how they hope people will react, or waiting, just waiting, for someone to say "Oh, you look so thin!" or "Oh, you look so muscly!"

There's a girl I work with. Two months ago she looked healthy. She was about a size six-eight, and she looked great.
Now she's about a size four, and she looks sick.
I told her so.
I don't think ANYONE has ever said the words: "You're looking too skinny. You look unhealthy" to her before, based on her look of absolute shock.
What did she say?

Three guesses.

Come on, you can do it.

It's not that hard.

Oh, all right:
"Oh no, it's just these pants I'm wearing, my butt is HUGE."

We're never gonna win unless we want to fight. Noone wants to fight anymore. Everyone thinks we've won.

What, exactly, is so feminazi about wanting this girl who I like and respect to be able to say: "I'm so happy with the way I look now, I wouldn't change a thing!" What's so feminazi about wanting my girlfriend to go through life with the confidence to be herself, not have people say "how sorry" they are for her, because she's "young and confused", when they could NEVER EVER EVER understand her. What, exactly, is so feminazi about creating art using my menstrual blood?
Isn't art ultimately about truth?

I wasn't always happy about myself and my body. I'm a size eight-ten, and a few months ago I would've said I was too fat. The difference is, I WANTED to fight. I saw that I was looking through a glass ceiling and I wanted to break it. That's the difference.

So, I'm a feminazi. Fuck it, if it means I'm happy to live my life as me, I'll have it tattooed on my forehead.


© Elise Archer for all of time. May not be reproduced without permission.